Multi-Domain SAN & UCC
SSL/TLS Certificates

Secure up to 500 domains or unlimited sub-domains, all with a single Certificate, allowing for savings on cost and installation time.

Secure Web Multi-Domain

Secure 1-500 Domains under a Single Certificate with fast issuance.


Paid as 12-months at $
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  • Secures 1 - 500 Domains or Wildcards
  • Domain Validated (DV)

Secure Business Multi-Domain

Secure 1-500 Domains under a Single Certificate and show your Verified Business.

Most Popular


Paid as 12-months at $
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  • Secures 1 - 500 Domains or Wildcards
  • Business Validated (OV)
  • Free Duplication: Multiple CSR/Keys

Secure Business Pro Multi-Domain

Secure Multiple Domains with higher warranty and encryption.


Paid as 12-months at $
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  • Secures 1 - 500 Domains
  • Extended Business Validation (EV)
  • Free Duplication: Multiple CSR/Keys

One Certificate, All Domains

Using one certificate to cover all domains speeds up installation and significantly reduces costs. This streamlined approach also simplifies management and renewals, eliminating the need to secure each domain or sub-domain individually.

Advanced 256-bit Encryption

Verokey Multi-Domain UCC/SAN SSL Certificates provide top-tier security with 256-bit encryption, the gold standard used by governments, defence sectors, and businesses worldwide to safeguard sensitive data and ensure secure transactions.

Enhanced Security with Multiple Keys

Employing unique private keys for each instance boosts installation security across different servers and platforms. This separation limits exposure in case of a breach. The Verokey Business UCC/SAN Certificates support issuing duplicates with various CSRs and private keys, offering exceptional protection.

Broad Browser and Device Compatibility

Our SSL certificates ensure your website remains accessible and secure across all major browsers and devices, adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of online security.

Unlimited Server Licences

While securing a single server is crucial, having the flexibility to install a digital certificate on multiple servers is invaluable. This feature allows you to protect all your services with one certificate, saving time and money.

Comprehensive Warranty Coverage

Each SSL/TLS certificate we offer includes a warranty to cover unexpected events. Our range of products lets you choose a warranty level that provides you and your customers peace of mind.

Coverage for Both WWW and Non-WWW Versions

Our multi-domain certificates secure both the www and non-www versions of your domain without additional costs, ensuring complete protection for your website.

Display a Seal of Trust

After installing your new Verokey SSL/TLS Certificate, your website visitors will see that their connection is secure. You can also display our Site Seal to give your customers visual assurance of encrypted and safe data transmission. Verokey Site Seal

Compare Multi-Domain SAN/UCC Certificate Features

5-10 Minutes 1-3 Business Days
1 - 500 Domains
Alternate Domain Included for Free
1 - 500 Domains
Alternate Domain Included for Free
Secure Web Multi-Domain Site SealSecure Business Multi-Domain Site Seal
99% 99%
99% 99%
99% 99%
$500,000 $1,250,000
Up to 256-bit Up to 256-bit
RSA-2048 or Greater
ECC-233 or Greater
RSA-2048 or Greater
ECC-233 or Greater
30 Days 30 Days
Unlimited Unlimited
Unlimited Unlimited